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Roadshow at Institute of Management Sciences, Arid Agriculture University (PMAS-UAAR), Islamabad

News Image team on October 16, 2019, conducted a roadshow for the students of Institute of Management Sciences (PMAS-UAAR), Arid Agriculture University, Islamabad.  Around 250 students attended the session beaming with zeal and enthusiasm. The session started with the recitation of the Holy Quran, followed by introduction of team members. The students were well aware of freelancing and its opportunities, and had a lot of questions regarding Search Engine Optimization, Digital Marketing and Website Development. Some female students showed interest in Creative Writing and Blogging too. We hope to empower youth, especially the female youth who can use internet and earn from the comfort of their homes. is committed in harnessing the potential of youth, and hopes that freelancing will help the youth in improving their skill set and livelihood.


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