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We are Back from Eid Holidays. Please Resume Batch-07 activities.

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Welcome Back! DigiSkills Training Program has resumed its activities after the Eid break. We hope you enjoyed this break over the past week.


Now that all festivities are behind us, let's resume your learning journey.


Week 12 content of DigiSkills 2.0 Batch-07 is now open and available for you to explore.


Also, please note again that you can submit any missed Exercise by 25th June (26th June is the bonus day) and attempt any missed Quiz by 30th June 2024.


You can watch any pending video via LMS by 30 June 2024 to be eligible for the e-Certificate.


Note: Batch-08 Enrollments are open so you can enroll in 2 new courses right now (if you have not done already) as Enrollments will be closed soon.


We expect your continued dedication and enthusiasm in pursuing your skills goal on our platform.


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